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Yad Lakashish

Yad LaKashish – Lifeline for the Old – offers an interactive tour of its premises and workshops for locals and tourists with the elderly. They host  7,000 visitors annually.

Tour & Volunteer

  • Advocacy for Seniors: Visitors learn about the model that changes their attitude to the elderly. Yad LaKashish will change your attitude towards senior citizens.
  • During the tour, visitors interact with the elderly in the workshops. The elderly feel they are valued and contributing members of society.
  • Volunteers may help in the workshop – painting with the elderly. The workshop is open Sunday through Thursday 8:30am-11:45am
  • Volunteer to in the gift shop, packing, labeling, pricing, sales. The gift shop is open from 9:00 am – 4:00pm Sunday through Thursday and until 1pm on a Friday.

Tours are free and held in English or Hebrew.

Contact Us - Yad Lakashish