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Smart Tour EZ Raider activities leave from their new location on Washingston St down the block from the King David Hotel.
First Station is a vibrant outdoor mall located in Jerusalem on the site of the Old Train Station. Smart Tour is located on the side of First Station closest to...
The ultimate art experience. *Learn new skills *Express your creativity *Pamper your self-esteem *Explore a wide range of exciting medium Creative Crafts offers unique Art and Mosaic Workshops, Chuggim &...
Pat Bamelach Efrat is a dairy cafe and artisan bakery. With a fresh menu based on the season, it’s a great place to stop for lunch or to pick up...
Between the Arches is a unique underground restaurant located under the Western Wall Plaza. The restaurant has over 18 years of experience hosting guests under the Western Wall Plaza for...
The pool at Beit Hachayal is closed for renovations. The Beit Hachayal Pool is run by the Ariel Company. The pool offers swimming lessons, lap swimming, heated indoor pool and...
The library was founded in 1980. Library Services: – Library for children, youth, adults with an English & Russian book section for different ages. – Study room for children and...
Ammunition Hill played an important role in the 1967 war to capture Jerusalem. Today it is a museum about the 67 war and an event space for city, government and...
ALEH is Israel’s largest network of residential facilities for children with severe physical and cognitive disabilities....
Situated across from the Western Wall in the heart of Jerusalem’s Old City, The Dan Family Aish World Center features breathtaking views and soulful educational experiences for hundreds of thousands...