Looking for a great game to prepare for your family trip to Israel or to remember the amazing attractions you saw? Buy the Reveal Israel Card Game and bring the fun home with you!
Created by a local olah, Mirima Lottner, the Reveal Cards games incorporate trivia, a fun matching game and beautiful pictures.
Reveal Israel
The world’s first 3 games in 1 deck, Israel focused card game. Great for the whole family, each deck is comprised of 96 cards, of which 90 are play cards. Reveal Israel explores 73 locations, 4000 years of history, science, archaeology, trivia and adventure around the Land of Israel via match, quiz and spin components.
Reveal Chai
A brand new, fresh approach to learning, living and loving Jewish life. Match your way through 72 different Jewish customs and traditions from around the world!
Customize your own Reveal Cards
A great option for a Bar/Bat Mitzva Party gift. Miriam can work with you to create your own custom game with family trivia, custom pictures and more. Contact Miriam.