Winter Tours & Courses with SPNI

The Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel has some fabulous acitivities, in English, throughout February.

Birdwatching for Beginners (5 week course)

There are 5 meetings: 3 online zoom classes and 2 field meetings.

A birdwatching course of the Nili and David Jerusalem Bird Observatory, SPNI.  How do I identify that bird? Where can I go to see birds? What equipment do I need to see birds? What makes a bird a bird? Learn the answers to all these questions and more in this hybrid course. It’s a great way for beginners to spread their wings in this amazing hobby. For teens and adults. Register here.

Feathers and Fur – Afternoon nature walk at the Gazelle Valley

Winter is a great time to visit the Gazelle Valley, with wintering ducks in the ponds, flocks of seedeaters feeding in the trees and early winter flowers to be found. And of course, you’ll search for the gazelles who live in the Park. For all ages, no experience needed.  For details, contact 0523-869488. TICKETS

Wintering birds of Nahal Zimri

Nahal Zimri is a wonderful wadi that flows down from Pisgat Zeev towards the Dead Sea and therefore has a slightly different group of birds than areas on the western side of Jerusalem. You will search for Finsch’s wheatears, Blackstarts, Blue Rock-thrush as well as wintering finches and of course, the resident herd of Mountain Gazelles and Rock Hyrax. There is a couple kilometers of moderate walking on a gravel path – downhill going out and
uphill on the way back. 2- 3 km. No experience is necessary! For details, contact 0523-869488. TICKETS

Early migrants at the Dead Sea (Bus pickup from Tel Aviv, Latrun and Jerusalem).

The first early spring migrants arrive in the wadis of the Dead Sea in February and the local birds are starting the breeding season. You’ll visit a couple wadis along the northern Dead Sea and explore some of the fields of Kibbutz Kalia and nearby area and the area of Ein Gedi. Withthe winter rains, the wadis should be in bloom and we will also search for the butterflies they attract. Highlights include Cyprus warbler, Arabian Babbler, Fan tailed Raven, Tristams starling,Sand partridge, Striolated Bunting and more. This is a birdwatching focused trip. There is some moderate walking on uneven ground into the wadis. TICKETS

Lupins of Tel Sokha (Bus pickup in Jerusalem & Beit Shemesh)

Experience the beauty of Israel’s spring flowers as we explore the famous Lupine Hill in Emek HaEla. The beautiful tall blue flowers cover the hillsides along with many other flowers of all colors. As we walk, we will search for the foundations of the ancient city that stood here in the time of David and hear how the area is connected to the battle with Goliath. After a picnic lunch, we will travel to the Madras Ruins (Hirbet Midras) to explore the ruins and caves used during the Bar Kochba Revolution, including some unusual pyramid shaped tombs. This walk is moderately difficult along uneven paths through the hills. Approx 5-6 km. TICKETS

Gazelle Valley
Tzomet Pat (near Malcha)
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