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Shuk & Windmill Dash with Israel Scaventures

Two great ways to explore Jerusalem with a fun and engaging app.

Mahane Yehuda – The Shuk

Explore the story of the vibrant and diverse people of Israel through the prism of the hustle and the bustle of Shuk Machaneh Yehuda.

On this Shuk Dash your team will compete to sell fruit, pose with a fish and find someone from Greece. You will complete many more exciting missions in order to complete your tasks! Warning: this game is VERY COMPETITIVE!

Yemin Moshe – The Windmill

On the Windmill Dash, you will discover the fabulous story of the expansion of Jerusalem beyond the Old City. Wandering from the Montefiore Windmill through the winding alleys of Yemin Moshe with an Israel ScaVentures picture pack, you will learn the story of a frontier neighborhood that became one of Jerusalem’s most beautiful neighborhood.

You don’t want to miss this opportunity to explore Jerusalem with your family & Israel ScaVentures.

Shuk Mahane Yehuda
60 Agrippas St.

Hanukkah Shuk & Windmill Dash