Uncover the hidden connections to Purim in the Israel Museum.
The Persian Period and the Purim story have lots of connections which are not immediately apparent. This is an opportunity to take a closer look at this period, which has left its mark on modern Jewish history as well.
This fun festival of costumes and wine parties has a lot more to it than that.
In this short two hour journey, we will uncover connections to Purim and the Persian Empire, both in the Archaeology wing and the Jewish Art wing, with a surprising connection to modern Jewish history and Israel
Your Guide Nachliel Selavan
Nachliel Selavan MA. Ed., offers special Jewish History and Tanach tours in museums in Israel and around the world, both in person, and in zoom. He has a unique and engaging approach which brings museums and Jewish history to life, connecting Torah, history, art, geography, archaeology and all in a fun and exciting way.
Nachliel knows his stuff…he creates a unique blend of the ancient and the modern, as he tickles your imagination at the Museum.
Prefer a private tour? Contact Nachliel to arrange a tour of your choice.