Moonlight Stories at Beit Avi Chai – Tammuz

Beit Avi Chai presents a program for kids including a theatrical performance and workshop. This month’s story in honor of the month of Tammuz.

Summer is almost over, and the industrious ant is working hard and preparing for the coming winter. She notices a granule of sugar and approaches it to bring it to her nest, but on the granule sits a cricket that plays and sings about the sun, freedom and the joy of life.

The summer meeting between the ant and the cricket ends in a big fight: what will happen in the winter meeting?

Beit Avi Chai - Fun in JerusalemBeit Avi Chai - Fun in JerusalemBeit Avi Chai - Fun in JerusalemBeit Avi Chai Storytime- Fun in Jerusalem
Beit Avi Chai
King George St 44, Jerusalem, Israel
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