Pre Rosh Hashana Honey Jar Workshop at Kiyor Ceramics

Kiyor Studio for Ceramic Art invites you to a special “Clay-brengen” in preparation for a sweet new year in both spirituality and physicality (ruchniut v’gashmiut)!

Come together to share positive thoughts and insights, and create our very own honey jars from clay!

Step into the warm and relaxed atmosphere of Kiyor Studio for a truly unique and inspiring workshop, where art and reflection meet in preparation for Rosh Hashana.

Begin with a mindfulness meditation to help connect to the artist within, and encourage you to trust your instincts.

As you form your honey jar from the very clay with which God created humankind in His image, we’ll share and inspire each other with spiritual and personal insights, creating not only with our hands but also with our hearts.

After a short break for a lunch of hearty soup, bread and dips, we’ll be painting and decorating our honey jars.

This gathering is a unique preparation for Rosh Hashana, offering the chance to manifest a sweet year, both materially and spiritually. The experience is designed to inspire creativity, deepen connections, and set powerful intentions for the year ahead.

No experience in clay or painting needed. Your honey jar will be fired and ready for pick up in about a week.

Kiyor Studio for Ceramics & the Arts
111 Agripas Street
(Right opposite the Shuk)


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