Join Maureen Nehedar for a new, festive and exciting performance of piyutim, part of the Melodies and Miracles music festival at the Aspaklaria Theater in First Station.
Maureen will perform original versions of some of the best piyutim of the Golden Age, from her albums “Yishna Bechek Laydut” and “Lamah Ta’amod Merachok.”
Maureen Nehedat is a singer, creator and poet, one of the pioneers of the world music scene in Israel, and one of the most prominent in the world in the field of Jewish music renewal. She is the winner of the Neve Schechter Prize and the Rabinovich Foundation for Original Israeli Art for 2019.
In early 2022, Maureen will release a new album in the Persian language, featuring selected songs from the golden age of Iranian pop and rock.
The show is being held in line with the latest Ministry of Health guidelines and under the Green Pass system.